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Colony West Swimming Pool

The swimming pool is located on Millbrook Drive just north of Clapboard Hill in the park. Our pool
has a diving board and the depth ranges from 3′ to 9′ deep. The pool is a Class C ‘Private Membership’ pool, for private use of property owners in good standing, their guests and renters of owners in good standing as well as a select number of non-resident members that pay $225.00 per year access. Non-resident members that have a relative in Colony West HOA, pay $200.

Our hours of operation are subject to change, but currently we open at 10:00 a.m. and close at 9:00 p.m. daily, Monday through Saturday, and open at 12:30 on Sunday. The seasonal operation of the pool is, the pool opens on Memorial Day and closes on Labor Day. We make certain accommodations for ‘after-hour’ swimming by signing a release of liability form, since no lifeguards are on duty after hours.

No one under the age of 12 is allowed at the pool without the supervision of an adult and everyone
entering the pool must sign in at the entrance. For the safety, enjoyment and well being of all who use the pool, a more complete set of guidelines are posted at the pool entrance. Please familiarize
yourself with them.

– pool hours are from 10:00 am – 9:00 pm
– property owners are responsible for the safety and behavior of their guests
– noise should be kept to a minimum as there are residential homes nearby
– no pets are permitted in the pool area
– a first aid kit is located at the Lifeguard Center
– no glass or alcohol is allowed at the pool at any time

Our pool Access approval system is done by a check in Window and person with access to our Resident Data Base of Renters and Owners, also reflecting the Status of dues assessment payments. Management has the right to reject or cancel any pool facilities privileges to any one, temporarily or permanently with or without cause.


Location: Colony West Park-2601 Millbrook Dr

Hours: 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Opens: Memorial Day

Closes: Labor Day+

Costs: No costs to Good Standing Property Owners